3344 Radcliffe Avenue
A recent new listing on our top homes list is this brand new stunning home built by Bomex 3344 Radcliffe Avenue Construction, master builders which have built some of the best waterfront residences. During construction, the owners had the opportunity to purchase neighboring 3338 Radcliffe, so they did! Bomex was given the task of revitalizing the existing home on 3338 and turning it into a guest house for the main residence at 3344 Radcliffe. In a completely different style, the main home was built with a gorgeous European theme, with 3338 Radcliffe Avenue spirals,
sturdy construction and gothic-like windows and detailing. While both properties have kept their addresses separate, we have decided that as they are both owned by the same owner and confirmed by our insider sources, we know that the home at 3338 is purely a guest house and could not be used as a main house again in its present condition. The dead give-away for me is that the owners have torn down the fencing between the two properties, so that for us officially seals this as a package deal. Still, the combined assessed value has the land at a massive 81% of the grand total.
3344 Radcliffe Avenue, West Vancouver